Dr Biljana Stankov

Biljana Stankov
Biljana Stankov,
Research associate

Assistant Research Professor
E-mail: biljanas@ipb.ac.rs
Room: 224, 1st floor
Phone office: (+381)11/31-61-258
Phone lab: (+381)11/37-13-178
Fax: (+381)11/31-62-190


I was born in Zrenjanin, where I finish high school. I started gaining interest in physics then, and decided that that is the field of science I want to know more of. After getting my Master diploma I decided to go further in pursuing a PhD. In August 2020 I have successfully defended my PhD thesis titled “Investigation of complex shapes of beryllium spectral lines in the presence of beryllium dust”.

Other then physics I’m interested in horse back riding and acting.

Research areas

  • Atomic physic and plasma
  • Spectroscopy
  • Pulsed discharges

Current projects

NOVA2LIBS4fusion Novel approach to laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics of fusion reactor plasma facing components – project IDEJE – Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia

Past projects

OI 171014Spectroscopic diagnostics of low-temperature plasmas and gas discharges: Spectral line shapes and interactions with surfaces – National project – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Selected publications

B. D. Stankov, M. Vinić, M. R. Gavrilović Božović, and M. Ivković,
Novel plasma source for safe beryllium spectral line studies in the presence of beryllium dust,
Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 053108 (2018), DOI.

M. Vinic, B. Stankov, M. Ivkovic and N. Konjevic, Characterization of an Atmospheric Pressure Pulsed Microjet, 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Belgrade, Serbia (2016), August 29th – September 2nd, p. 276

M. Vinic, B. Stankov, Spatial and temporal resolved study of some atmospheric pressure discharges, International Conference of Physics Students, Msida, Malta (2016), August 11th-17th, pp. 64-65