Dr Marijana Gavrilović Božović

Biljana Stankov,
Research associate

E-mail: marijana.gavrilovic@kg.ac.rs


The research of Marijana Gavrilović Božović concerns the experimental investigations of plasma physics, gas discharges and related phenomena. Main area of research is laser produced plasma with emphasis on plasma created on solid targets in liquids. Besides laser produced plasma in gases and liquids, other topics of research interest are microwave and atmospheric pressure glow discharges. In all area of research the accent is on different experimental techniques for plasma characterisation, from plasma imaging, schlieren, shadowgraphy, probe beam techniques, and probably the most important, optical emission spectroscopy (OES).

Research areas

  • Plasma spectroscopy
  • Experimental techniques for plasma characterisation
  • Underwater laser ablation

Current projects

OI 171014Spectroscopic diagnostics of low-temperature plasmas and gas discharges: Spectral line shapes and interactions with surfaces – National project – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Honors and Awards

  • Award for the best student presentation at TELFOR Conference (2008): “Gait phases recognition from accelerations and ground reaction forces: Application of neural networks”

Selected publications

M. R. Gavrilović, Impact of the cavitation bubble on a plasma emission following laser ablation in liquid, Eur. Phys. J. D, 71 12 (2017) p.316

M. R. Gavrilović, V. Lazic, S. Jovićević, Influence of the target material on secondary plasma formation underwater and its laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) signal, J. Anal. At. Spectrom.,(2017) 32, pp.345-353

M. R. Gavrilović, M. Cvejić, V. Lazic, S. Jovićević, Secondary plasma formation after single pulse laser ablation underwater and its advantages for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., (2016) 18, pp.14629-14637.

Irene L. Epstein, Marijana Gavrilović, Sonja Jovićević, Nikola Konjević, Yuri A. Lebedev and Alexey V.Tatarinov, The study of a homogeneous column of argon plasma at a pressure of 0.5 torr, generated by means of the Beenakker’s cavity, The European Physical Journal D, 68, (2014), pp.334-343